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Payment reminders
Payment reminders

Create and email out payment reminders to your customers.

Jacqui Sullivan avatar
Written by Jacqui Sullivan
Updated over a week ago

Reminders can be emailed out to your customers in stages. Once the payment term of an invoice has been exceeded the payment reminders can be run. If you run before the payment term has passed nothing will appear as a reminder.

When this option is selected you start on the General screen.

To capture all of your customers leave the the from group to group and from customer to customer fields blank. Enter todays date, select the currency to your base currency (if you have invoiced certain customers in different currencies you can run reminders again for other currency invoices).

Select Type 'Reminder 1' this is the first of 3 reminders you can send. So, this being the first you may not want to charge interest so leave as zero. Grace days relates to the number of days over the payment terms you are comfortable for you client not to pay before they get included in a reminder, in most cases this would be zero. The Trifle balance is the amount over and above you wish to send as a reminder, again you may wish to leave this as zero so that all overdue balances no matter how small are included. Payment terms, you can select or leave as cash or immediate depending on your company terms.

Click on Text here you can enter a heading which will appear on the reminder and some text stating that the payment is overdue etc.

Once ran you will see the reminders listed by customer and the invoice numbers relating to the overdue amounts. The icons to the right of each reminder enable you to show reminder click on this to view the layout and the text you added at the start. The email icon will show the customers email address, the reminder can be sent using this or, tick the box to the left and then select Book/send selected the system will email all selected reminders out to your customers.

Before you can run reminder 2 you need to run reminder one. Reminder 2 can be run after a period of time which you decide on and the text message can then be changed to a more urgent demand for payment. Obviously this will depend on your company policy and the type of business you are in as to what you enter here.

You can then run reminder 3 once reminder 2 has been run and anyone that hasn't paid after reminder 2 was sent out will be included.

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