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The Dashboard

Dashboard – the Configuration explained

Jacqui Sullivan avatar
Written by Jacqui Sullivan
Updated over 3 years ago

Access buttons direct to menu options, links to external pages, and graphics can be displayed on the Cloud Accounting Dashboard that allow you to quickly access some features or view information relating to financial ratios, customer and / or supplier turnover, active deadlines and any outstanding payments.

It’s interface is customizable and the data can be grouped and filtered as required.

NB : In order to make the customization, the user must be a superuser and his modifications, at the moment, will be applied to all users of the company.

Customize the dashboard

To customize the Dashboard, access the button on the top right Dashboard Configuration. An editor appears where you can use a series of instructions to indicate how and what the dashboard should display.

It is possible to indicate one of the following comma separated objects:

  • New-invoice-top – displays the “New sale” button which allows you to quickly start the manual registration of a sales invoice, instantly taking you into the entry screen.

  • new-expense-top – displays the “New purchase” button which allows you to quickly start recording a purchase invoice, instantly taking you into the entry screen.

  • new-entry-top – displays the “New registration” button. You can customize the behaviour of the button using the following syntax:

    • new-entry-top: registration type: title: button highlight: accounting registration template: supplier number. Therefore, after the new-entry-top command in the first position it is mandatory to indicate the type of registration, which you want to start when the button is clicked, using one of the following parameters finance, supplier or manual-invoice. In the second position you can possibly indicate a string to replace the default title. In the third position you can possibly change the highlight of the button, indicating primary (blue colour), to replace the default (grey colour). In the fourth position you can indicate the accounting posting template to be applied and useful to facilitate the insertion of data in the registration.

    • In the fifth position, if the registration type is supplier, it is possible to indicate the supplier number to be applied if necessary. Each position is delimited by a colon ” : ” Here are some examples : new-entry-top: finance: Cash withdrawal: primary: Cash withdrawal new-entry-top: finance: Cash deposit: primary: Cash deposit new- entry-top: supplier: Telephone expenses :: Telephone expenses: 2

  • incoming-payments – displays the “Customer due dates” graph. You can customize the columns of the graph using the following syntax: incoming-payments: period: number of columns then after the incoming-payments command in the first position you must indicate the period that the columns represent using one of the following parameters days, weeks or months.

  • If not indicated, the default is days. In the second position it is possible to indicate the number of columns to be displayed. Only values ​​from 1 to 200 can be indicated. If not indicated, the default is 10. Each position is delimited by a colon ” :”Here is an example: incoming-payments :: 90

  • outgoing-payments – displays the “Supplier due dates” chart. You can customize the columns of the graph using the following syntax: outgoing-payments: period: number of columns then after the outgoing-payments command in the first position you must indicate the period that the columns represent using one of the following parameters days, weeks, or months.

  • If not indicated, the default is days. In the second position it is possible to indicate the number of columns to be displayed. Only values ​​from 1 to 200 can be indicated. If not indicated, the default is 10. Each position is delimited by a colon ” :”Here is an example: outgoing-payments: weeks: 7

  • unpaid-invoices – displays the “Sales invoices to be collected” chart.

  • new-invoice-grid – displays the “Sales” box.

  • new-expense-grid – displays the “Purchases” box.

  • div – indicates that the next graphic should appear on the next line.

  • user-feedback – view the box to leave your suggestions to improve the product or implement new features.

  • help – displays the box to access the Cloud Accounting documentation.

  • trial-upgrade – displays a graphic indicating the days left until the trial period expires. If you are no longer in the trial period it will be automatically hidden.

  • kpi: displays the balance sheet indices and shows the revenues and the cost of sales, the return on sales, the operating result, the value of cash and cash equivalents with or without the value of inventories, the degree of financial solidity of the company, the value of the debit or credit VAT. The syntax of the formula is as follows: kpi: formula: ytd: title.

  • new kpi: displays the boxes relating to the customer turnover and supplier turnover, the total active due dates and the outstanding payments, the cash flow by month.

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