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Simplified supplier import
Simplified supplier import

Find out how to import suppliers with the simplified procedure

Jacqui Sullivan avatar
Written by Jacqui Sullivan
Updated over a week ago

It is possible to import supplier data from a csv format file configured with a simplified structure.

Before importing, you need to make sure that the vendor groups and payment terms already exist in Cloud Accounting.

In particular, for the payment terms it is necessary to indicate the exact description on the management system.

Where to import from

Import can be completed in 2 areas:

  • Import data , by accessing from All settings | Company and clicking on the Import button on Suppliers

  • Suppliers, by accessing from the Suppliers list clicking on the toolbar on the right Show import options \ Import suppliers

How to import

After clicking on Import , a window appears from which to manage the import of suppliers.

The operations to be performed are the following:

  • Download and edit the file

  • Enter the configuration data

  • Select the csv file to import the data it contains

How to create the csv file

The first thing to do is to create the csv file.

Click Download a sample file.

  • Once the file has been downloaded, simply open it using Microsoft Excel, Google sheets or other spreadsheets.

  • Enter the supplier data in the respective columns, without changing the title of the columns themselves as this would make it impossible for the application to recognize which data to import on each column.

The columns of the file

To identify the required data and enter all the information correctly, you need to download the file containing the guidelines by clicking on " See an example file with guidelines" in which notes are highlighted in each column to follow to enter the data in the import file.

The mandatory data columns are indicated in bold on the example file and the import file are the following:

  • the No.: must be a unique number and can have up to 5 numbers and represents the supplier unique number

  • the Name : must be text and can be up to 255 characters long

  • the Supplier Group: this is a whole number of up to 9 characters. It is sufficient to indicate the number that identifies the group and must already exist in Cloud Accounting. The supplier group is a mandatory data because, not only does it allow customers to be classified, but above all, it serves to determine the balance sheet to be used in the accounting records of invoices and payments.

  • the VAT Zone: 1 Domestic, 2 EU, 3 abroad and 4 domestic no vat.

  • the Currency Code: it's necessary to indicate the currency code of the customer you are importing.

The recommended data are:

  • VAT number: the VAT registration of the customer if known.

  • the Currency: the currency code you will be invoicing the customer in

  • Payment terms : the payment terms must already exist in Cloud Accounting and the exact description must be entered on the file.

  • Payment method : you must indicate the exact description of the payment deadline from Hades in the tabular representation of the electronic invoice. If nothing has been indicated in the file, Bank Transfer will be reported.

  • Cost Account: you can enter a nominal/cost code relevant to a specific supplier which will automatically show when you select the supplier in the invoice entry screen saving you time, this can also be edited at point of entry

  • Automatic text: this allows you to enter text or supplier name etc so when you select this supplier in the invoice entry screen the text will automatically appear, again, this can be changed at point of entry

  • Address: indicate the address

  • Postal Code: indicate the post code

  • Town/City: indicate the city

  • County: indicate the county

  • Country: enter the name of the country

  • e-mail: indicate the e-mail address

  • Telephone number: if available enter this

  • Other reference: the contact name or office / recipient

  • Finally, among the optional data there are:

  • Discount (%) : indicate the " . " as decimal separator

  • Website: the clients website

  • Access: enter 1 for access

Once all the data to be imported has been entered on the Example file, it is sufficient to save it in csv (UFT-8) format has been set

Configure the import

In the configuration it is possible

  • indicate the default customer group, which will be assigned automatically if it has not been defined on the file

  • Indicate whether not to import existing customers to Cloud Accounting

  • Indicate whether to update existing customers.

  • Within section 3 select your saved csv file and click Import & Save

You will then see confirmation the import is complete and your suppliers can be viewed within Suppliers > Supplier lists

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