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Supplier Menu Options
Supplier Menu Options

Supplier menu options explained

Jacqui Sullivan avatar
Written by Jacqui Sullivan
Updated over 3 years ago

When you access Suppliers > Suppliers, you will find a list of your suppliers saved in Reviso. You can anytime register new suppliers. This article provides you with more information on Suppliers tab.

Options under Supplier menu

Only the fields with an asterisk are obligatory. Some fields are not obligatory, but they are still important to know and fill in. Edit your supplier and pay attention to the following fields:

supplier information


This field defines whether to continue using the supplier or not. Once you have already used the supplier, it can not be deleted, but it can be excluded from your list. Reviso will not let you use the supplier in the invoices that you register, so you avoid any mistakes.

You can define the access under the Additional tab when editing your supplier. Select open access to be able to use the supplier, or change it to barred to avoid using it again.

Cost account

This option makes your day-to-day work much easier, so we recommend you to use it whenever possible. Define the account to record costs regarding your suppliers. For example, if you know that your light provider is always registered under the account (6280), select this number as a cost account. Whenever you make an entry concerning this supplier, the cost account will be automatically filled in, so you will not have to worry about entering the same information on each invoice again. Save time by automating processes.

Automatic text

As in the case of a cost account, the text you provide here will automatically appear on invoices regarding this supplier. You will save more time when receiving new invoices.

VAT no.

The VAT no. is important for reports and taxes. Do not forget to check that your supplier has the correct VAT number.

Payment terms

This drop-down menu gives you the opportunity to assign such payment terms you agreed on with your supplier. It helps you to create invoices, where the corresponding due date will be automatically filled in. It is also important for a payment report, so you can check your pending expenses.

Supplier accounts

Each one of your suppliers will be linked to a group of suppliers, where all information regarding the suppliers of that group, is registered.

Each group of suppliers has its own account number. It is also possible to assign an account number to your suppliers individually. You can use any numbering you want, either 1, 2, 3, etc. or 1000, 1001, 1002, etc.

Example: If you have 5 domestic suppliers, they will be linked to a domestic group of suppliers, which is defined under account 2100. Whenever you register an invoice with any of these 5 suppliers, it will be recorded under that account (2100).

Do not worry that all the suppliers are grouped together. Reviso also analyses the data by the list of suppliers, where you are able to see the data of each individual supplier as well as the data of your major suppliers.

This way greatly simplifies your accounting, since you do not have to create hundreds of accounts for each supplier, but with 4 or 5 accounts, you will manage hundreds of customers.


When you edit your supplier information, on the right side of the screen of each supplier you will find a few icons providing additional information.

icons and options in the list of suppliers

Entries on account

Here you can access supplier’s ledger cards, where you will find all the records such as invoices and payments that have been made.

Open entries

This option shows you pending records. You can see invoices that have not been paid, as well as payments that were registered but not linked to the invoice. If you have not linked the payment of the invoice, you can do so here as both appear as open entries.


Here you can register the contact person of the supplying company. This way you have all the information you need and easy to access.


This option allows you to write down additional information or notes concerning your supplier. You could include notes on agreements or meetings. Notes can be accessed by other users of your company, so they can have all the information about the supplier. You can define follow-up dates and even categorize them to keep an eye on the future development.

Copy (C)

Copy a supplier. This is useful for similar suppliers, where you can simply change the name and address, but copy all the other information.

Delete (Del)

If you created a supplier by mistake, you can delete it when clicking on this option as long as you have not registered any data with this supplier. If you have already registered some data, you can exclude the supplier by selecting the barred access as explained above.

Automatic matching

At the top of your list of suppliers, you will find an option called automatic matching.

automatic matching of suppliers

It can happen that we register a payment, but do not link it to the supplier’s invoice. This may be because we introduced payments through data import, or we simply forgot.

If there are many payments and invoices that are not linked, this function becomes essential. Search for suppliers, or do not fill in any information and you will see all pending entries that need to be matched with your suppliers.

automatic matching list of suppliers

Select all records or those you want to link, and click on Match selected / Match all. You will no longer see that there are pending bills since they have already been paid.

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