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How to renew Grant token
How to renew Grant token

Describes what to do if the execution of an API returns the message "Login to API server failed"

Lara Litrico avatar
Written by Lara Litrico
Updated over 12 months ago

After 360 days from the date the "Grant token" was issued, running any API will return an error message similar to the one below:

"Please take a look at and follow the links to help on authorization, or use the word demo for both tokens.", "httpStatusCode": 401, "logId": "5f89f7d1-0f24-4a14-a2b9-ccb86dfa88d7", "logTime": "2024-02-12T15:36:46", "message": "Login to API server failed." .

To do this, you must renew the token for the data access authorization.

Log in to your Reviso developer agreement, view the applications and click on the Request URL button that corresponds to the application for which you want to renew the authorization.

A url is created which is sent to the customer.<PublicAppToken>&locale=<locale-code>

After clicking on the URL, the customer is redirected back to the authorization page, where he must enter his login details for the contract and grant the external application access to his data.

After authorizing the app, the end user receives the grant token, which they can send to the app owner.

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