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How questionnaires help us improve Reviso Cloud Accounting
How questionnaires help us improve Reviso Cloud Accounting

When you work with Reviso Cloud Accounting we will send you questionnaires asking you what we could do to improve

Jacqui Sullivan avatar
Written by Jacqui Sullivan
Updated over a week ago

Questionnaires may appear on the screen for you or for people who access your system such as your accountant or bookkeeper when you least expect it, but we promise that we will only occupy no more than a minute of your time and your answers will really influence what we do every day to make our system a better product for you and your business.

What is the questionnaire and how do we measure customer satisfaction?

This type of questionnaire is a standard used by many companies around the world to collect opinions from their customers and to get ideas on improvements to be made to the products and services offered. The questionnaire begins with a very simple question, such as: " How likely is it that you would recommend our product to someone? "

We collect responses with this type of questionnaire throughout the life cycle of your subscription.

This is the aspect of the questionnaire that you may see on screen or receive by e-mail.

The questionnaire asks you to let us know how likely you would be to recommend Reviso Cloud Accounting to a friend or colleague by requesting a vote ranging from 0 to 10 as an answer. Your numerical evaluation will make us understand your degree of satisfaction, where 9 and 10 are the best, but we will also ask you, more importantly, if you would like to leave us a comment to explain what you like or what you think we could do better. For us, your comments are the main purpose of this type of questionnaire.

What do we do with the answers to the questionnaire?

Based on the results of the questionnaire and the comments that have been left to us, we will take action to make improvements and thus to orient our efforts in a more beneficial way, so that the product, support and services we offer you become better and better. so that your degree of satisfaction increases more and more.

Thanks for your help! 🙌

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