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How to Create Products and Services

Jacqui Sullivan avatar
Written by Jacqui Sullivan
Updated over a week ago

In order to issue invoices, quotations or orders in Reviso, you must create your list of products and/or services. Each product is then linked to a product group, where all accounting information as well as the applicable VAT rates regarding the products/services of that group, is registered.

Please click on product groups to learn how to set these operations as well as the applicable VAT.

Take a look at this short video which takes you through the process of creating a product/service:

To create a new product or service, go to Sales > Products > Products. Here you can find the list of your products and services.

create product or service

  • Click on the New product.

  • You can use the automatic product numbering or create a product number yourself.

  • Fill in the information regarding the name and description of your product/service.

  • Select a product group according to the type of VAT applicable the product or service when invoiced.

  • You can also enter a guide selling price and cost price. The selling price can be amended when you create your sales invoice.

  • Select the unit of measure you sell your product/service in, if not available from the list you can add.

  • After completing the necessary information, click on Save.

create a product

Whenever you need to create a new product, service, or make any changes regarding the existing ones, please enter Products again.

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