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First steps

How to move to Reviso and import customers, suppliers, products

All settings

How to manage your Company details/settings, Financial Year details, number series, system accounts, import/export data etc.


Sales invoicing


How to add a new supplier, process a supplier invoice, create a template and run supplier ledgercards

Electronic Invoices

Activation, configuration, creation and sending of electronic invoices


The Finance menu provides you with all accounting entries, which do not directly link to customers or suppliers. For example, here we you can create an opening entry when coming from another accounting system, as well as our payroll entries, depreciation etc.

VAT Obligations

The following are the main articles relating to VAT obligations: registering invoices for VAT purposes, printing VAT reports, preparing the VAT Return.


Includes customer and supplier payments, bank setup and bank reconciliation and find entries

Inventory Module

Find out how to activate the Inventory module, import your opening stock balances, raise purchase orders and create sales invoices selecting items from your stock product list.


Visit the selection of reports and documents within the system

Project Module

Find out how to create projects, create activities within projects, eg. planning, installation, etc., and assigning hours, mileage, expenses and material costs to the projects and then invoice the clients directly.


Email Documents/invoices into the system to process

Year-End procedures

You can create new accounting years, block periods, close accounting years, or even reopen them if you need to post a late entry.

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